Code Catalog Cover Image

In Mobile and Baldwin Counties, Alabama, each town, city, and county adopt plans and laws independently. To know the types of plans and which communities have adopted and enforced, it is necessary to evaluate planning efforts across South Alabama.

This catalog aims to provide access to multidisciplinary types of planning documents as well as community-adopted codes and ordinances in South Alabama. This will improve government planning and local coordination and foster community resilience by identifying vulnerabilities and developing policy adoption to overcome hazards and reduce loss.

Smart Home America created the South Alabama Code Catalog. Smart Home America conducted this project with funding from the Auburn University Marine Extension and Research Center (AUMERC) and the Alabama Coastal Management Program (ACAMP), a program of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, State Lands Division, Coastal Section. A grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office for Coastal Management, Award# 17NOS4190149, partly funded this project. 

*The year each code or ordinance was last updated is noted. Contact the local jurisdiction to ensure the item you are referencing is the most recent version available. Not all regulations or ordinances from all jurisdictions are listed. Items will be updated as possible.

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