Built to Last? Film

A documentary that changes how we look at homes in the Age of Disasters.

Watch the documentary that exposes how vulnerable our homes and business are to disaster and how we can build better. 

Featuring subject matter experts from Smart Home America, the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) and many others. 

Learn more about the film, read quotes, and find out how you can build your home to last. built2last.org

Around the world, disasters are on the increase. In the past ten years, earthquakes, heat waves, floods, hurricanes, fires, and volcanoes have killed over a million people, affected another 2 billion, and caused 4.5 trillion dollars in damage.

Our homes are where we look for shelter, but when a disaster strikes, we’re on the front line. If you think your house is safe – think again.

Built to Last? was made possible by the Resilience Action Fund (www.buildingresilient.com).

The fortified home is affordable for every family, at every price point, at every income level and that's really important because every family's home is important and it's their biggest investment. So if they're building to that fortified standard, that home is stronger. it can take more. It can recover in a disaster.

- Julie Shiyou-Woodard