Documenting your material possessions and their value is an excellent habit to begin. Having a list of all the items in your home allows you to be prepared for insurance claims and updating your insurance policy. By creating a home inventory, the hard work is done. You can just send your insurance company a list of all of your documentation to replace damaged or lost items when filing a claim.

Thankfully, there are apps that make the task of categorizing and organizing your possessions much easier. Many of these apps sync to cloud storage, so you will have this list no matter what happens.

The apps being reviewed today are Nest Egg and Sortly. After looking at many apps, these two are our favorites on iOS for Apple and the Google Play Store for Android. Both apps have free or paid options, with paid options providing access to more features. Our review looks at how to add items, how the home inventory is organized, and the added features we appreciated.

Sortly allowed us to choose an inventory for our home or business and provides flexibility in how items are organized using folders. There is space for adding a picture, price, total value, or notes. Another excellent feature links to the product’s URL, which fills in the object’s price or value.

Sortly also allows you to include several pictures of each item and customize folders by adding notes or picture labels. Download Sortly on iOS, Android, or desktop so that you can quickly and easily access your inventory on any device.

Nest Egg is only available through iOS. We liked the ease of use of this app and the ability to take a picture of an object or scan its barcode. With Nest Egg, instead of folders, there is a category-based system where you choose one of their predetermined categories or create your own. These categories are useful because you can add subcategories to organize your inventory list further. We also liked the ability to specify if an item is owned, rented, borrowed, or under warranty.

Like Sortly, multiple pictures of an item can be uploaded. When a barcode is scanned, the price is automatically added. Finally, Nest Egg includes some convenient features such as a pie chart breakdown of all your categories and the option to manage several different locations with their own inventories.

There are many home inventory apps to choose from, including apps created by insurance companies. Most of them will be useful to homeowners. No matter which home inventory app you choose, you will be better prepared when you file an insurance claim or renew your insurance coverage.