The South Alabama Code Catalog is a compilation of the readily available plans, laws, and ordinances of the coastal cities, towns, and jurisdictions across Mobile and Baldwin Counties. Items will be added and updated as possible. 

Each year South Alabama is impacted by severe weather including hurricanes, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms and floods. New tools including advances in building technology are available to help communities prepare for and mitigate these threats. To be prepared, it is essential for communities to assess potential disasters and adapt plans, regulations, and laws that utilize advances in technology and will protect infrastructure investments and the community at large. By planning and implementing effective policies, communities can be resilient to natural disasters and build lasting success.

Each town, city, and county adopt plans and laws independently. Therefore, to know the types of plans and which communities have adopted and enforced which plans, it is necessary to evaluate planning efforts across South Alabama. 

The goal of this catalog is to provide practitioners, researchers, and collaborators access to multidisciplinary types of planning documents as well as community adopted codes and ordinances in South Alabama. Not only will this improve government planning and local coordination, but also foster resilience in communities by identifying vulnerabilities and developing policy adoption to overcome hazards and reduce loss.

This project was conducted by Smart Home America and the Auburn University Marine Extension and Research Center (AUMERC) with funding provided by the Alabama Coastal Area Management Program (ACAMP).

The South Alabama Code Catalog was created by Smart Home America. Funding for this project provided by the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, State Lands Division, Coastal Section, in part, by a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office for Coastal Management, Award# 17NOS4190149.

*The year each code or ordinances last updated is noted. Contact the local jurisdiction to ensure the item you are referencing is the most recent version available. Not all codes or ordinances from all jurisdictions are listed. Items will be updated as possible.